Which facial should YOU choose?

PSST…. Feeling overwhelmed? Let me tell you a secret… Book our “I’m Overwhelmed Facial” and we will help you decide!

Pre-Teen Facials

Pre-Teen $110

45 minutes

This facial is for 13 and younger. Includes steam, extractions, calms breakouts, helpful tips on homecare, and how to prevent breakouts.

Breakout Prone

Pore Refining $165 60 minutes

Bye-Bye Blackheads! Immediate results that provide complete surface and pore-refining by removing impurities and dead skin cells

Clear skin Probiotic $165 60 minutes

Our organic probiotic products help reduce the visible signs of problem skin and breakouts without stripping the skins moisture.

Acne Advanced $180 75 minutes

This is for moderate to severe acne. We have a variety of products to choose from depending on if its hormonal, environmental, or life-style related.

(Check our “Membership & Programs” page to save on Breakout Prone Facials!)

Gentlemen’s Facials

Men’s Hungarian $150 60 minutes

This facial is created with more masculine scented products like stone crop, birch toner, and Hungarian mud mask

Gentleman’s $165 60 minutes

Similar to the Men’s Hungarian facial… We use masculine scented products but also include a scalp & beard stimulating treatment!


Back facial $115 45 minutes

Addresses the concerns of texture, clogged pores, and minor discoloration

Fresh Glow $175 60 minutes

TOP PICK/OWNER FAVORITE- Vitamins C+E leave you bright and tight. A blend of citrus, leafy greens, and botanically-derived ferulic acid. Leave the spa GLOWING

Anti-Redness $170 60 minutes

This Facial is a gentle, effective way to soothe irritated skin and reduce the appearance of redness. Whether you're dealing with rosacea, pink undertones, or other skin sensitivities, our estheticians will customize the treatment to meet your specific needs and leave you with a calm, even complexion.


Classic Facial $145 60 minutes

This is our basic facial that is semi-customized. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin… we’ve got you covered

Sculpting Gua Sha $165 60 minutes

Gua Sha utilizes unique stones to massage, manipulate, and promote flow to release toxins. Skin tone will appear more even due to the overall increase in circulation.

Skin Tightening $180 75 minutes

TOP PICK-Using our Galvanic/Microcurrent PRO with LED pushes hyaluronic Acid and Peptides deeper into the skin. Let's iron out some wrinkles!

Other Skincare

Dermaplane $100 30 minutes

Removes up to 23 weeks worth of dead skin and peach fuzz! Includes double cleanse, facial massage, and finished with moisturizer and sunscreen.

Paired with a facial, products are able to penetrate much deeper!

Microdermabrasion $100 30 minutes

Gently removes dead skin to even out skin tones and help with product penetration.

Microchanneling $250-$300 45 minutes

Similar to Microneedling, Microchanneling is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates your body’s natural ability to generate collagen & elastin

Helps with fine lines & wrinkles, dark spots, acne scars, and hair growth! (Brows, beard, scalp)